Fall 2023

Get extra dental benefits

As a Delta Dental member, you may be eligible for extra dental benefits. The Health through Oral Wellness® program offers additional dental care for members with a greater risk of oral diseases.

Providers participating in the program use an oral health assessment to find out your risk of tooth decay, gum disease and oral cancer.

Depending on your risk score, you may qualify for extra cleanings, fluoride treatments, oral hygiene or nutritional counseling, sealants and periodontal maintenance throughout the plan year.

Follow these easy steps to see if you qualify:

  1. To see which providers are participating the Health through Oral Wellness program, they would have the green badge shown here in Find Care.

  2. Talk to your dentist about the program. If they’re not registered, ask them to call our provider line at 844-663-4433 to learn how to sign up. Once registered, they can perform your clinical oral health risk assessment and let you know if you qualify. The exam uses a set of algorithms to determine your risk score. If your risk score is between 3-5, you may be eligible to receive additional dental benefits.*

  3. To learn more about the program and take a free oral health risk self-assessment. You can choose to share your results with your dentist to start the conversation.

*All enhanced benefits are subject to your plan’s maximum and other limitations.


We’re here to help. Please email the Moda Health Dental Customer Service team at PEBBcustomerservice@modahealth.com or call 886-923-0410 to learn more.

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